Sunday, 27 April 2014


The first couple of games that I used the Exocrine I wasnt too convinced by its usefulness, after a few more games with him though Im currently finding him to be pretty much a certain pick ever time. He's not exactly amazing but with 24" range and 6 shots that are AP2 (I dont tend to use the blast very often) I think he is another unit that brings something that is quite lacking with the rest of the 'nids. Also, the fact that he is a Monstrous Creatue means that he is far from useless should he end up in combat.



Biovore Brood

These guys are definitely not my favourite Tyranid model (aesthetically speaking) but I do find them pretty useful in the game. Firing a large blast at 48" is definitely something that the Tyranids dont have a great deal of options with and its such a bonus that if the first blast misses that it isnt a complete failure as it creates Spore Mines instead.

My plan with this blog over the coming weeks/months is to try and write a few more meaningful articles to focus a bit on my experiences so far with the new 'nid codex, for the time being though its just going to have be more pictures of the models Ive managed to paint recently.